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a waterjet cutting a thick block of steel

Cutting Thick Materials with Waterjet

Waterjets are not limited in what they can cut, including material thicknesses. Truly, a waterjet can cut up to any thickness, but tolerances will change the thicker the material being cut. Tight accuracies can be kept when cutting materials under 4 inches thick, a near net shape is achieved when cutting thicker materials.

Not sure a waterjet can handle your material?
a thick steel block with smooth edges after cutting

The Best Edge

The benefits of a waterjet cut edge on any material does not differ for thicker materials. Because there is no mechanical stress, heat distortion, or heat-affected zone (HAZ) you will get a satin smooth edge directly off the waterjet table.
A thick intricate part being cut with a waterjet

Minimal Kerf

Because waterjets cut with a narrow kerf, parts can be tightly nested to achieve maximum material usage.
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Key Benefits to Cutting Thick Materials with Waterjet

  • Increased productivity, fast cutting and high-quality parts
  • Raw material savings-reduced scrap
  • Minimal lateral or vertical forces
  • No thermal damage
  • Net or near-net cutting
flow dynamic xd cutting head cutting metal

Put Flow’s Waterjet to the Test

Your Part, Your Specs, Our Waterjet.

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